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What is the Fondation Jean Lapointe?

The Fondation Jean Lapointe supports the work of the Maison Jean Lapointe in addiction treatment, research, awareness and prevention. Through our expertise, we assist people who are directly or indirectly affected by addiction.

Jean Lapointe’s work
in numbers

See how

The number of years Maison Jean Lapointe has been operating.

The number of people helped by our services.

The number of social workers available to support treatment at Maison Jean Lapointe.

Our history

The Fondation Jean Lapointe was founded in 1982. During a time when Maison Jean Lapointe struggled with promotion and funding, the Foundation was established to help finance the treatment center and increase its influence throughout the province.

As the Foundation began to realize the importance of investing in prevention to prevent addiction-related problems from affecting future generations, a turning point was reached.

The Fondation Jean Lapointe decided in 2008 to devote its efforts and a substantial portion of its funds to preventing risks associated with the use of alcohol, cannabis, and other drugs among students.

For over 35 years, the Jean Lapointe Foundation has supported the Jean Lapointe Telethon, Jean Lapointe Centers for Teens, 28 Days Sober Challenge, and countless other projects and activities.

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